Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Title:  “A Porcupine Named Fluffy” Sequence of Events

Author: Charley Lovelady
Subject: Language Arts
Grade Level:  Kindergarten
IEP classification(s):
Student A: Asperger’s Syndrome
Student B: Visual impairment

Stand Standard(s): Common Core:
CCSS.ELA-Literacy. RL.K.1 With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.K.2 With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details.

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.K.3 With prompting and support, identify characters, settings, and major events in a story.

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.K.1 Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.K.2 Confirm understanding of a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media by asking and answering questions about key details and requesting clarification if something is not understood.


Lesson Goals:  Identify the characters in the story, the sequence of events, and setting of the story and any new vocabulary.

Collaboration Practices: Teacher and special education teacher collaborate to decide what accommodations to make instruction more effective for both Student A and B.  Special Education teacher will provide ideas and ways to modify graphic organizer and quiz.  

Culturally and Linguistically Diversity (CLD):  For the graphic organizer and quiz students can write in their native language.  They also have the option of using the translation dictionary on the iPad translation app to help them write words in English.     Teacher will keep checking for understanding to make sure that bilingual or ELL students are understanding the sequence of event using key words and also using the iPad to repeat words in their native language to help and assure the child is understanding the events in the story.

Instructional Methods

Anticipatory Set
Teacher will read the title of the book and show the students the front cover. 
(3.1 Provide or Activate background knowledge.Teacher will activate the students prior background knowledge by asking them to tell what the story might be about by looking at the front cover and asking questions about the front cover. Teacher will also ask about the setting and where they think the story will take place.  Teacher will also discuss any new vocabulary.
(4.1 Provide varied ways to respond.) Students will be able to answer questions verbally, show a thumbs up and thumbs down, and various other interactive response techniques.
(8.3 Foster collaboration and communication.) Teacher will have students turn to their elbow partner and discuss what they think the book will be about. Some of the specific questions are:XXXX

Recognition “What” Multiple means of Representation

Strategic “How” Multiple means of Action and Expression
Affective “why” Multiple means of Engagement
3.1 Provide or Activate background knowledge

4.1 Provide varied ways to respond
8.3 Foster collaboration and communication


Introduce and Model New Knowledge
(1.1 Customize the display of information.) Teacher and students will watch a youtube video of the book on the interactive Promethean board with enhanced sound and graphic support. Vid
(1.2/1.3 Provide alternatives for visual and auditory information.Student A and B will both benefit from the large images and enhanced sound. 
(3.3 Guide information processing.) Teacher will stop the power point periodically to ask questions and check for comprehension. 
(4.3 Integrate Assistive Technologies.)  With enhanced sound and imaging the visual impaired student will be more apt to follow along with the book.  Student A will also be able to better follow with the large images. 
(7.3 Reduce threats and distractions.)  Both student A and B will sit within close proximity of the board to help lessen any distractions that will cause the student to not comprehend the story.

Recognition “What” Multiple means of Representation

Strategic “How” Multiple means of Action and Expression
Affective “Why” Multiple means of Engagement
1.1 Customize the
display of information

1.2/1.3 Provide alternatives for visual and auditory information

3.3 Guide information processing
4.3 Integrate Assistive Technologies

7.3 Reduce threats and distractions


Guided Practice
(3.2 Highlight critical features, big ideas, and relationships.) After reading the power point version of “Fluffy the Penguin”, students will be paired up and will retell the story to their partner.  
(5.3 Provide ways to scaffold practice and performance.) Teacher scaffolds the students by asking questions to navigate through the story to check for comprehension and expression of the story.   Students express what they know through answering questions
(8.2 Foster collaboration and communication)  Students will discuss the events in the book and what happened sharing new knowledge to each other as they tell the story in different way.  Also, students will discuss main characters and their favorite characters.  After students discuss with one another, we will discuss the events and main characters as a whole class establishing a “beginning, middle, and end” part of the story.

Recognition “What” Multiple means of Representation
Strategic “How” Multiple means of Action and Expression

Affective “why” Multiple means of Engagement
3.2 Highlight critical features, big ideas, and relationships
5.3 Provide ways to scaffold practice and performance

8.2 Foster collaboration and communication


Independent Practice
(1.3 Provide alternatives for visual information.) After we discussed the events of the story as a class, students will be given a graphic organizer to identify the sequence of events in the story. 

(2.5 Illustrate key concepts non-linguistically.) There is a spot for beginning, middle, and end for the students to draw a picture in the correct box what happened in each part.  
(4.1 Provide varied ways to respond.)  Students have various ways of re-telling the story in their own way through drawing and writing.  They choose what they want to draw and can re-tell the story with their own words and pictures 
(5.3 Provide ways to scaffold and practice.) Students have been shown and told the different events that have occurred and after it is discussed, students will practice by doing their graphic organizer and organizing the information into beginning, middle, and end.
(7.1 Increase individual choice and autonomy.) Once students finish their graphic organizer they will be given the choice to draw a picture of their favorite part of the story or to write a paragraph about their favorite part of the story.

Recognition “What” Multiple means of Representation

Strategic “How” Multiple means of Action and Expression
Affective “why” Multiple means of Engagement
1.3 Provide alternatives for visual information

2.5 Illustrate key concepts non-linguistically 

3.4 Support memory and transfer

4.1 Provide varied ways to respond

5.3 Provide ways to scaffold and practice
7.1 Increase individual choice and autonomy

Wrap Up
(1.1 Customize the display of information.)  Students who share their graphic organizers to the class will use the elmo to expand the image so that Students A and B, and all other students are able to see what the students drew in each box. 
(2.4 Promote cross-linguistic understanding.) Once everyone is finished, students have an opportunity to share with the class what they drew and how they chose to re-tell the story. 
(4.1 Provide varied ways to respond.)  Each child will share their responses in many ways and the students will see how they all drew different pictures and expressed the story in different ways but still stressing that there is a “beginning, middle, and end” in the story.  
( 8.3 Foster collaboration and communication.)  Students will again communicate to the entire class what they have drawn/written on their paper and share their ideas with the class as a whole using the elmo to show their worksheet and expand the image for everyone to see clearly.
(9.1 Guide personal goal-setting and expectations.)  Students guide their thinking process out loud as they are telling us what they drew on the paper orally. 

Recognition “What” Multiple means of Representation

Strategic “How” Multiple means of Action and Expression
Affective “why” Multiple means of Engagement
1.1 Customize the display of information.

2.4 Promote cross-linguistic understanding
4.1 Provide varied ways to respond
8.3 Foster collaboration and communication

9.1 Guide personal goal-setting and expectations


Formative (informal-written) 
(1.1 Customize the display of information.) 
(5.3 Provide options for expressive skills and fluency.)
(9.3 Develop self-assessment and reflection.)  Once students have finished the short quiz and turned it in teacher will discuss the answers with the group and students can reflect on how well they did.

Recognition “What” Multiple means of Representation
Strategic “How” Multiple means of Action and Expression

Affective “why” Multiple means of Engagement
1.1 Customize the display of information
5.3 Provide options for expressive skills and fluency

9.3 Develop self-assessment and reflection



Interactive SmartBoard
Graphic Organizer
Crayons/Scissors Pencils
The book:  “Fluffy the Penguin”

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